Ivan V. Small

Associate Professor


Ivan V. Small is a cultural anthropologist and Associate Professor at Central Connecticut State University. He holds a Ph.D. in Anthropology and Southeast Asian studies from Cornell University. Prior to arriving in Connecticut in 2014 Dr. Small was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California Irvine, and a field study director with the The New School’s India China Institute. Dr. Small’s latest book is Currencies of Imagination: Channeling Money and Chasing Mobility in Vietnam (Cornell 2018). In it, he investigates the social, spatial and material dimensions of diasporic remittances, drawing on interviews with remittance receiving and sending households in Vietnam and California. The book examines changing economic capacities and forms of remittances, as well as shifts in local and transnational social and political relations from 1975 to present. Dr. Small’s work in the field of economic anthropology also extends to mobile money and other recent cashless financial technologies, topics that he considers comparatively as co-editor of Money at the Margins: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion & Design (Berghahn 2018). In addition, Dr. Small has examined transportation consumption and mobility patterns afforded by remittances and other new financial capabilities, and how emerging economies in Asia are framed by culturally targeted design and marketing research. Alongside his books, Dr. Small’s work has been published in a variety of anthropology, area studies, and inter-disciplinary journals, including Journal of Consumer Culture, Mobility in History, Visual Anthropology, Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, and Journal of Vietnamese Studies.

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CampusCentral Connecticut State University