Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI)
UConn Hartford is a federally recognized Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). In 2023 a group of Hartford and Storrs faculty and staff teamed up to win a prestigious grant from the U.S. Department of Education, Minority Serving Institution program. This grant will fund the Transformation, Equity, Access, and Sense of Belonging (TEAS) project.
UConn Hartford Eligibility Stats
1,500 Undergraduate Students
44% of students are Pell Grant eligible
54% are students of color
17% identify Asian heritage
Transformation, Equity, Access, and Sense of Belonging (TEAS) project
The TEAS Project builds capacity to meet the needs of UConn Hartford’s Asian American students and in doing so serves all students at the campus. The project fosters partnerships in the community, integrates academic, social, and student services, as well as, emphasizes academic achievement. The grant creates access to a culturally relevant curriculum, expands a mentorship program, doubles the capacity to address mental health issues, provides new sources of income for students, and helps to show students a pathway to a brighter future.
Hartford AANAPISI in the News: UConn Hartford Welcomes Transformative Project Serving Asian American Students
Learn more about the Minority Serving Institution Program and the AANAPISI designation here.
AANAPISI Project Zine & AAASI YouTube Channel
FAQ & Resources
Transformation, Equity, Access, and Sense of Belonging (TEAS) project
Jason Oliver Chang, PhD, PI (Effort = 0.40 summer months/20% in Y1-Y5) will manage the TEAS Project implementation plan, coordinate effort between units and campuses, and conduct program evaluations as well as the creation of regular project reports. He will oversee a TEAS Project continuous improvement plan. Create and manage the TEAS Learning Community. He will recruit, hire, and supervise the Visiting Instructor to support the Life Transformative Curriculum and the TEAS Learning Community. He will conduct UConn Hartford faculty development in Life Transformative Education. He will provide support for local community-based research of the Visiting Instructor. Manage internship program with local partners. He will conduct outreach and certify teachers in Asian American Studies among top sending school districts.
Katherine Martin, MS, Co-PI (Effort = 1.80 calendar months/15% in Y1-2 and 0.60 calendar months/5% in Y3-Y5) will be the Hartford based program coordinator for the grant. She will be responsible for overall program evaluation including student, staff, faculty and community feedback. She will manage data collection and reporting for all areas of the grant. She will coordinate key support efforts between the Academic Achievement Center, Office of Student Services, Advising and Career Services. Katie will oversee yearly faculty and staff training and our summer program review meeting.
Angela Rola, MA, Co-PI (Effort = 1.80 calendar months/15% in Y1-Y2 and 0.6 calendar months/5% in Y3-Y5) will oversee the development of the overall Asian American Mentoring Program, including the curriculum development of the required course, the training and evaluation of the peer mentors and the evaluation of the program. She will work with Student Health and Wellness to recruit and hire a Mental Health Clinician and assist in identifying appropriate assessments to effectively serve this student population. She will assist in identifying cultural competency training for the staff and faculty.
Jeffrey Alton, M.Ed Co-PI (Effort = 2.40 calendar months/20% in Y1-Y5) will direct the Asian American Mentor Program (AMP) which will include recruiting, training, and evaluating Peer Mentors, and recruiting mentees into the program. Jeffrey will also hire and supervise a graduate assistant to support AMP. He will also supervise the peer mentors with the assistance of the graduate assistant. Jeffrey and the graduate assistant will be developing, teaching, and evaluating a credit bearing course for AMP centered on identity development, academic success, and a successful transition to the UConn Hartford campus and later UConn Storrs campus.
How much was the school awarded?
The TEAS Project was funded at $1,958,724 for 5 years from 2023-2028
- 2023/24 - $379,837
- 2024/25 - $399,516
- 2025/26 - $381,569
- 2026/27 - $398,124
- 2027/28 - $399,678
How is the grant being used?

Link to Resources
- Asian American Cultural Center
- Facebook: @uconn_asacc
- Insta: @uconn_asacc
- Asian/Asian American Studies (AAAS)
- APIA Scholars
- AANAPISI Scholarship
- Facebook: @APIA Scholar
- Insta: @apiascholars