Melinda Lu
Board Member
Why I Want to Be Involved:
Since last year, I have been active in promoting Asian American education within the high school level. What really inspired me to start this work was when I heard about the Atlanta Spa Shootings in 2021. This incident made me think of how people just like me could be victims of this violence. I decided to take action in reducing this discrimination towards Asian Americans. As a student, my route for doing this was through education. Learning about someone’s history is the best way to understand their perspective. This understanding of other perspectives is needed for people to grow more accepting of one another. Since hearing about the shootings, I have founded the Amity Asian Activism Club, a platform for students to share their views. I have also been a part of AAPI New Haven and have submitted a testimony in support of bill HB5282 on behalf of #MakeUsVisible. In order to continue understanding other perspectives, I seek to become a member of this board in order to create a curriculum that will share the rich Asian American history.
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